6 Tips for Cutting Cooling Costs

AC Unit

The summer heat in Portsmouth, VA, can be intense, and running an air conditioner to stay cool can quickly ramp up your energy bill. Fortunately, plenty of ways to cut cooling costs while staying comfortable exist. Here are six tips to help you save on your cooling bills this summer.

1. Seal Air Leaks

About 38% of heat loss in your home occurs from air leaks in the walls, ceiling, windows and doors. Finding and sealing these air leaks can significantly help in cooling costs. Check around windows, doors and other potential sources of air leakage, such as wall outlets, attic hatches and plumbing fixtures, for any gaps or cracks.

Use caulk and weather stripping to block air leakage in your home. Use glass doors and tight-fitting dampers to reduce air leakage if you have a fireplace. Additionally, you can call HVAC experts to install insulating gaskets behind outlet covers to reduce air loss through the outlets.

2. Use a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to independently set temperatures for day, night and weekend. It will automatically adjust your home’s temperature based on your lifestyle and preferences. Consequently, you won’t have to worry about constantly adjusting the thermostat.

You can set the temperature higher during the day when no one is at home or during times of the night when people are sleeping. This will reduce the energy consumption and cooling costs in your home. Additionally, you can adjust the thermostat according to outdoor temperatures.

3. Use Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans use less energy than air conditioners do. Using them with your air conditioning system can help cool your house without raising your electric bill. You can turn off the air conditioning at night and use your ceiling fan to cool rooms down.

Adjust your ceiling fan to run counterclockwise during the summer. This will push cool air down and create a cooling breeze in your home. During colder months, you should switch the rotation of the fan to clockwise to move warmed air back down into the room.

4. Keep Your System Clean

Your air conditioning system needs regular inspection and cleaning to ensure it’s running efficiently. When dust, dirt and other debris build up on the coils, filters and fan blades, they can cause your system to work harder than necessary to cool your house.

Check and replace filters every one to three months, depending on your filter type. Additionally, have an expert inspect the system annually and clean any parts needing professional attention.

5. Use Windows

Opening your windows can help cool your home without the need for air conditioning. During cooler hours of the day, open up the windows to allow fresh, cool air in. When temperatures rise during the day or night, close all windows and use ceiling fans or an air conditioner.

Additionally, you can hire an HVAC company to install window treatments to help keep hot sunlight out and cool air in during the summer months. Window treatments, such as solar screens, awnings and shades, can help reduce the heat through windows.

6. Plant Trees Around Your Home

Trees planted around your home can help shade the house and keep it cooler in the summer. Plant trees on your home’s east and west-facing sides to provide shade during the hottest parts of the day. Trees can also help reduce energy costs in the winter by blocking cold winds and providing insulation for your home.

Besides, using trees for energy savings helps protect the environment by reducing heat emissions and greenhouse gases. However, ensure you have enough space to plant trees before you start and plant the right type for your area.

If you intend to reduce your cooling costs this summer, these tips can help you achieve it. Contact Climatemakers to analyze your air conditioning system and determine the necessary maintenance services to reduce your cooling costs. We provide many energy-saving solutions to help you stay cool and comfortable without breaking the bank.